To start your day by placing your hands on your heart and say,
"Thank you Universe for this Heaven on Earth Day where only the Highest and Greatest Good happens for me and for all those involved. "
please add this affirmation:
" My body is in perfect harmony. Every cell vibrates with radiant health, strength, and vitality."
Your body listens to everything you say and will follow your directions. If you say, "I feel sick" your body agrees and makes you sick. It would be better to say " I am not as healthy as normal" or " I am not as energetic as usual". Your mind will drop the "not" and follow will hear and follow " I ma Healthy as normal" or "I am as energetic as usual".
If your body replaces every cell of your liver in 6 weeks, your skin in 1 month and your whole body in 1 year and you keep telling your body that it is in "perfect harmony and every cell vibrates with radiant health, strength and vitality", you might be suprised on how wonderful you feel! give it a try for 90 days and see what happens.